Deploy Print Scouts

Print Scouts deployed to workstations (PC and Mac) collect both network printing activity and any printing sent to locally attached devices. This information is sent to the HP server for real-time analysis and reporting capability.

The Print Scout must be installed on user workstations(PC and Mac) for Secure Print or Secure Print Direct to function.

Deploying Windows Print Scout

The Windows Print Scout is typically distributed using an automated software installation utility, such as Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS).

You can always click the View Deployment Instructions in the Setup Guide to view these steps.

To distribute the Print Scout to multiple machines:

  1. On the machine where you installed the initial Print Scout, create the deployment settings file.
    1. Open the Print Scout Configuration tool (Configuration.exe) from the install directory (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\PrintScout) .
    2. Click the File menu and then select Create Deployment Settings file.

  2. Locate the deployment files created in Step 1 from %ProgramData%\HP\PrintScout\Deployment .
    1. PrintScoutInstaller.exe - This is the repackaged Print Scout installer used for mass deployment.
    2. InstallConfig.ini - This file contains Print Scout configuration settings and customer registration information. It should be copied to all machines on which the Print Scout will be installed. This enables registration of a group of Print Scouts to the HP server.
  3. Distribute these two files to a directory on the target workstation.
  4. Execute PrintScoutInstaller.exe /silent on the machine, either locally or from a remote location accessible to the machine.

Note: The account running the Print Scout installer requires administrator rights on the machine on which it is installed.

  1. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. NOTE: To run a silent install, the InstallConfig.ini file from Step 1 must be in the same directory as the PrintScoutInstaller.exe file.
  2. Verify Print Scout installation. The Secure > Print Scout screen displays details about the individual machines on which a Print Scout has been installed. A successful installation is indicated by an "OK" status under the "Scout State" column.

Note: The account running the Print Scout installer requires administrator rights on the machine on which it is installed.

After Windows Print Scout installation (Secure Print)

  • A print queue named HP Secure Printer is automatically installed on user workstations. This queue uses HP Universal Printing PCL 6 and is configured to capture printing sent via the port monitor.
  • The following Windows Services are installed on user workstations:

    • HP Print Scout Service - provides print tracking and related features.
    • HP Print Scout Spooler Service - provides Secure Print printing services.
  • The HP Secure Print desktop app is installed. This allows users manage their documents from the desktop. For example, users can view or delete their documents from their desktop before walking up to a Secure Printer.

After Windows Print Scout installation (Secure Print Direct)

  • The HP Secure Print desktop app is installed. This allows users to add printers for use with Secure Print Direct.

Deploying Mac Print Scout

The Mac Print Scout is typically distributed using silent installation. With silent installation, the complete installation, configuration and registration steps are eliminated. To silently install additional Mac Print Scouts, you will first create a deployment image. By sharing and using this deployment image, others will be able to silently install a Mac Print Scout on their Mac workstation. For example, similar to the Print Scout used for Windows, your organization's IT administrator can perform a mass deployment by pushing the package to the organization's Mac workstations where the Mac Print Scout will be automatically installed.

Note: If you use a proxy server to communicate to the outside world, you will need to enter the appropriate proxy server information first (in the Print Scout Configuration tool) before following the steps below.

To distribute the Mac Print Scout to multiple machines:

  1. On the machine on which you installed the initial macOS Print Scout, create the deployment image. This image is created once and shared with others in your organization.

    1. Open the Print Scout Configuration tool from the directory /Library/Application Support/Pharos/PrintScout.

    2. With the macOS Print Scout Configuration dialog active, open the menu and select Create Deployment Image.

    1. Click Save to create a deployment image. By default, the deployment image is saved to either the Desktop or the last used folder.

    Note: You can save the deployment image to any location, but avoid saving it to this path /Library/Application Support/Pharos/PrintScout/AppData/Deployment. You will get a 'Permission denied' error and the deployment image will not be created.

    1. You will see a progress indicator at the bottom of the Print Scout Configuration dialog box. When the process completes, you will see a .dmg file (disk image) in the specified folder.

  2. Copy and open the deployment image on target Mac workstations. The deployment image includes two files:

    • MacPrintScoutInstaller.pkg - This is the repackaged Mac Print Scout installer used for mass deployment.
    • InstallConfig.ini - This file contains the Mac Print Scout configuration settings and customer registration information. This enables automatic registration of Mac Print Scouts to Secure Print.
  3. Using the Terminal application, run the following command to silently install the Mac Print Scout.

Note: To access the Terminal application, first open your Applications folder, then open your Utilities folder where the Terminal application resides. You may also bring up the Terminal application by using the Spotlight tool in the upper right-hand corner.

sudo /usr/sbin/installer -tgt / -pkg <path>/MacPrintScoutInstaller.pkg
Example: sudo /usr/sbin/installer -tgt / -pkg Desktop/QA-MacPrintScout/MacPrintScout.pkg

Note: "<path>" represents the location path of the Mac Print Scout installer.

  1. Verify Print Scout Installation. The Secure > Print Scout screen displays details about the individual machines on which a Print Scout has been installed. A successful installation is indicated by an "OK" status under the "Scout State" column.

After Mac Print Scout installation (Secure Print)

  • A print queue named HP Secure Printer is automatically installed on user workstations.
  • The following services are installed:

    • SpoolerServiceMac - Provides Secure Print printing services.
    • PrintScout - Provides print tracking and related features.
  • The HP Secure Print desktop app is installed. This application allows users to view or delete their jobs from their workstation before they walk up to a Secure Printer. For more information about the HP Secure Print desktop app, refer to the HP Secure Print desktop app topic.

After Mac Print Scout installation (Secure Print Direct only license)

The HP Secure Print desktop app is installed. This allows users to add printers for use with Secure Print Direct.

Next Step: Invite users to start using Secure Print